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According to the latest Social Media London Report, there are over 38 million active social media accounts in the UK, and as the country continues to “socialise” its business practices, this number will only increase.

Social media analytics offer unprecedented insight into customer behaviors and have developed into a valuable resource for any business.

What’s more, with mobile-oriented services like WhatsApp, WeChat and Facebook Messenger achieving the top social media ranking spots in some of the world’s biggest economies, it’s clear that much of our social media behavior is now focused around mobile devices.

Facebook continues to dominate the global social media landscape, claiming 1.366 billion active users in January. Crucially,– 83% of the total – now access the service through mobile devices,

It is clear that businesses need to develop a strategy for social media but one that looks appealing to a mobile user.

My predictions for social media are:

  1. Social Media in the workplace – I believe employers will encourage their staff to make social media a part of their daily routines by helping like, share and retweeting content. There are also rumors that ‘Facebook at work’ is in the testing faze.


  1. Whatsapp for Business – As mentioned above mobile orientated services will continue to be a vital form of communicating and I can see more and more business utilizing the likes of whatsapp as another marketing and communication tool with their clients


  1. Video – Companies are beginning to realize that social media users prefer to watch something short, sharp and appealing videos and the challenge is to create video content that is 30 seconds to 1 minute long, that is still meaningful if a user is watching on mute.

Whatever happens social media should be at the forefront of all marketing activities

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